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This guide was created to support the Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) Masters and Advanced Certificate Programs at Touro University

TESOL at Touro

Learn more about the Touro Graduate School of Education's MS in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) and Advanced Certificate in TESOL.


The MS in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) program helps NYS-certified PreK-12 teachers more effectively teach and communicate with a diverse student population. The TESOL certificate program prepares NYS-certified teachers to provide responsive, comprehensive education to students of every background. 


Use databases to search for articles relating to your subject. Unlike a singular journal (or ahem, google), databases search a number of sources at one time, and provide many different search options and filters. For example, you can limit your database search to only articles written in a specific time span, as well as select only peer reviewed or scholarly articles.

The databases below are an excellent place to begin your search:


Click here for a list of Education specific databases available from the Touro Libraries.

Individual Journals and E-Journals that may be of interest include:


A full list of e-journal titles available through Touro Library can also be found here.

Master the art of database searching through the use of search techniques detailed in the video below!

Methods include:

  • The use of Booleen operators:
    • AND - between two words to narrow a search
    • NOT- between two words to narrow a search by exclusion
    • OR - between two words to expand a search 
  • Truncation: dropping part of a word and replacing it with a symbol to broaden the search
    • For example: music* also searches for musical, musician, musicians, music's, etc
  • Citation Searching: using the works cited page of a specific article/book/abstract to find additional related materials
  • Phrase Searching: using quotation marks around a specific phrase to ensure the entire phrase is found. 

Keep in mind that search options vary for each database.  Specific information and methods are available on the database's home page, help page, or advanced search page.

Additional Questions? Check out the video tutorials below to fine tune your database searching skills!

Books & E-books

Search QuickSearch for all items in the library. 



Different forms of multimedia are an excellent way to promote learning as well as engaging students.  Below is a sample of some of the educational resources available.  For a full-list of our video resources, please see the library's homepage and click on "streaming videos" under in the "Find" tab. 

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