An intuitive, self-guided product that supports information literacy, writing, and research skills instruction occurring in today's libraries, classrooms, and online learning environments.
This guide was created for patrons looking for general consumer health information. These resources are for informational purposes only and should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. For questions related to advice, diagnosis, or treatment please contact a licensed medical provider.
Covers the latest industry news, product and competitive information, marketing trends, and a wide variety of other topics. Includes over 2000 business periodicals, along with the Wall Street Journal.
Contains authoritative company and industry information, articles, and statistical data. Provided by the New York State Library, NOVELNY.
Provides company, industry, and geopolitical macroeconomic market research.
Covers all major healthcare specialities, including nursing, pediatrics, neurology, pharmacology, cardiology, physical therapy, etc.
Covers public health & safety, hospitals, finance, personnel management, insurance, population studies, labor relations, law.
A 23-minute flash streaming video by Medcom.
Includes journals on the insurance industry and includes such topics as labor relations, mortgage banking, and legal issues. Provided by the New York State Library, NOVELNY.
Provides access to journals, ebooks, dissertations, video, and news from ProQuest Central, Academic Video Online, and ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global.
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