An intuitive, self-guided product that supports information literacy, writing, and research skills instruction occurring in today's libraries, classrooms, and online learning environments.
The Office of International Student Services is here to help you. Contact your International Student Advisors for information on visas and other paperwork, your responsibilities as an international student, and help navigating American student life.
Below are additional resources available from Touro Libraries that you may find useful.
Multilingual Glossary for Today's Library Users (From ACRL)
The Association for College and Research Libraries offers a free glossary of library terms and a multilingual chart to easily translate library terms between English, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, French, Spanish, Arabic, and Vietnamese.
Glossary of Library Terms (From USC Libraries)
What are peer reviewed journals? Thesaurus? Interlibrary Loan? There might be many terms that are new to you. USC Libraries offer an extensive glossary of additional library terms and definitions.
Glossary of Library Terms (From UD)
See definitions for common words used in libraries and research. Use the drop-down menu at the left to translate into a different language. From the University of Denver.
Blueprint for Success in College and Career remixes four previously existing OER: A Different Road to College: A Guide for Transitioning to College For Non-traditional Students by Alise Lamoreaux, How to Learn Like a Pro! by Phylis Nissila, Foundations for Academic Success: Words of Wisdom, edited by Thomas Priester, College Success, provided by Lumen Learning, and one previously copyrighted textbook with content now openly licensed: Blueprint for Success in College: Indispensable Study Skills and Time Management Strategies by Dave Dillon. Blueprint for Success in College and Career is a students' guide for classroom and career success. This text, designed to show how to be successful in college and in career preparation, focuses on study skills, time management, career exploration, health, and financial literacy.
A Different Road To College: A Guide For Transitioning Non-Traditional Students by Alise Lamoreaux is designed to introduce students to the contextual issues of college. Non-traditional students have an ever-growing presence on college campuses, especially community colleges. This open educational resource is designed to engage students in seeing themselves as college students and understanding the complexity of what that means to their lives.
College ESL Writers: Applied Grammar and Composing Strategies for Success by Barbara Hall and Elizabeth Wallace is designed as a comprehensive grammar and writing etext for high intermediate and advanced level non-native speakers of English. We open the text with a discussion on the sentence and then break it down into its elemental components, before reconstructing them into effective sentences with paragraphs and larger academic assignments. Following that, we provide instruction in paragraph and essay writing with several opportunities to both review the fundamentals as well as to demonstrate mastery and move on to more challenging assignments.
"We created this site to share the lesson plans and other materials that we use in this Listening/Speaking Level F class with other ESL teachers -- click around and use what works for you! This is a 10-week course at LCC, but you can pick and choose from the 8 chapters for a shorter or longer term. The chapters can be covered in any order."
A video-based workshop on the writing process from generating ideas to editing and polishing a final draft! Check out the other writing resources in this free OER Online Writing Lab.
"This group provides an opportunity for adult educators and learners to organize materials dedicated to supporting Adult Basic Education (ABE) and Adult English as a Second Language (Adult ESL) teaching and learning. Adult educators and learners are encouraged to join this open community to share high-quality, high-interest materials for adult learners with low literacy levels preparing for the GED, new career opportunities, increased participation in their children’s education, English language learning, and other important skills."
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