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SW670 Social Welfare Policy and Service Delivery Systems I Fall 2021: Library Resources

How can I access resources from off-campus?

When using a computer on-campus, you'll be automatically able to access the Libraries' resources.

To access the Libraries' resources from off-campus, you have two options:

  • You can log into TouroOne ( and select the blue Libraries button.
  • You can search and find a resource on the Libraries site ( Once you click on the resource, you will be prompted to log in with your Touro One credentials.


Finding Library Resources in Google Scholar

Google Scholar is a subset of Google that provides a simple way to broadly search for scholarly literature. It is a great place to start; begin with a broader search and narrow down your terms until you get closer to your topic. When on campus, links to articles found in the Touro databases will automatically appear, but you can enable this functionality at home by accessing the Google Scholar settings and searching for Touro under “Library Links.”

google scholar library links page

Other Library Resources

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