Musar MovementNovordack and Baronovitch Yeshivot gave rise to a form of "stark" ethical character development focusing on making and perfecting the soul of the devout. Rabbi Israel Salanter author of Ohr Yisrael, Rabbi Blasser, and Rabbi Eliyahu Dessler (author of Miktav Eliyahu) are just a few of the Musar Movement's leaders and Tzadikim.
Rabbi Salanter’s teacher Rabbi Yosef Zundel Salant (1786–1866) was himself a student of rabbis Chaim Volozhin and Akiva Eiger. Rabbi Salanter’s disciples Rabbi Simcha Zissel Ziv, directed yeshivas in Kelm and Grobin. Rabbi Yitzchak Blazer became the chief rabbi of St. Petersburg in 1861-2, and later led the Kovno kollel and published Rav Salanter's writings. A third leading disciple of Rabbi Salanter, Rabbi Naftali Amsterdam, became the chief rabbi of Helsinki. Rabbi Zissel's student Rabbi Nosson Tzvi Finkel of Slobodka, and Rabbi Yosef Yozel Horwitz of Novaradok founded yeshivot that became the largest and most influential schools of Musar.